New banner!!!
Also I have spent the last three days catching up on shows and sleeping late and I wake up every morning thinking why I stayed up so late the previous night...
In other news I AM GETTING AN IPAD MINI!!!!!! Something I'm superrrrr excited about because I wanted an kindle/nook originally but now that the iPad Mini is out my mom says I should get it instead!!!
Will get it after MCQ papers since the WiFi + Cellular models aren't available but aaammigaaaad look at this beauty!!!!!!!!!!!
(photo cr
Also, I've realised I haven't blogged about graduation day.
there are more photos + instaxes but I haven't really decided if I want to scan and upload them yet so instagram photos + random photo from my camera will suffice for now haha.
anyway, four years in st margs have come to an end and I have to say I've enjoyed myself so much despite my occasional grumbles about the security guard (NTS i should blog about the security guard incident soon) these past four years has been amazing and i'm gonna miss the canteen food the most (idk why butttttt argh yongtaufoo + malay food 5eva)
but first, post o's plans:
- horror movie night w sab, b and whoever else
- secret project with jade haahahahhahha this one i'm extremely excited about
- shoot with lin (plans from way back!!!!! i hope u still rmb this)
- more covers with leah and rach
- catch up on 90210, GG and maybe even start watching PLL and at the same time attempt to get enough sleep
recorded 3 covers with leah and rach yesterday, voice almost died by 6pm my voice was out of tune and kept cracking (sorry leah I couldn't do we are young or payphone properly hahahaha)
really hungry right now craving for some sushi, pizza and pasta
good night!
[edit: forgot to add dusk2dawn, love is and ctrl+alt+del @ church coming up!!!!!]